Introducing Bela MD+ for Beautiful Skin in Toronto

Introducing Bela MD+ for Beautiful Skin in Toronto

A full Bela MD+ treatment offers a gentle, sequential exfoliation, infusion, anti-oxidation, extraction, and stimulation.

  1. The initial step uses the Bela MD+ precision diamond-tipped dermabrasion for gentle exfoliation, achieved with an ultra-sonic skin scrubber handpiece.
  2. Additionally, a bio-infusion serum penetrates the epidermal layer: several skin conditions can be targeted with your choice of serum, including acne, dehydration, fine lines, dull skin, and hyperpigmentation.
  3. The Aqua handpiece delivers fine particles of hydrogenated water, which penetrate deeply into the upper and lower layers of the skin, providing the same antioxidant effect as the Hydrogen facial.
  4. For patients with pore congestion and blackheads, the extraction tip reduces oils and helps with deep cleansing.
  5. The final step is an amazing stimulation to deeper tissues, with low-grade current delivered through an electroporation hand tip: utilizing medium frequency electromechanical stimulation, this provides a lifting effect and improves circulation.

Bela MD+ technology can be customized with Bela MD serums to meet your specific skin care needs, including:

  • Clear Skin — unclog pores, reduce excess oil, calm and soothe skin
  • Even Pigment — reduce appearance of photo-damage, brighten, even skin tone
  • Calm & Hydrate — replenish skin barrier, boost hydration, improve firmness
  • Brighten & Protect — antioxidant action, soothe skin, improve texture, brighten complexion

Are You a Candidate for Bela MD+?

Read below to learn more!

Have you faithfully been doing facials for years?

Bela MD+ delivers all the same essential components as a standard facial and more in the same appointment: deep cleansing; mild, medium, or deep exfoliation; Hydrogen antioxidant facial; and electroporation stimulation for lymphatic draining and circulation.

Do you have acne-prone skin with congested pores?

Deep exfoliation with the higher grit diamond handpiece and extraction can deliver smoother, refreshed skin. Without piles of dead skin cells sitting at the surface and clogging pores, your daily skin care penetrates deeper and more effectively!

Beautiful woman holding her beautiful skin after Bela MD+ treatment

Does your skin look and feel dry and dull? Does your skin lack lustre and snap?

Calming and hydrating effects of Bela MD+ are immediately noticed. Depending on skin sensitivity, each step can be completely customized for a more gentle or more aggressive treatment. Even better — steps can be boosted or omitted completely based on your skin type. For example, our patient Joan, 58 years old, chose to omit the extraction step: we employed the Calm & Hydrate serum, chose the medium diamond dermabrasion, doubled the time for the Hydrogen facial and electroporation stimulation, and finished with a warm face wrap to great results.

Visit Kingsway Dermatology to Find Out If Bela MD+ Is Right for You!

Bela MD+ treatments can be scheduled 4 times per year as a standalone treatment or combined with a high-grade skin care program — Z.O. Medical — at home to deliver refreshed and revitalized skin health.

Bela MD+ is also extremely effective when combined with IPL/ BBL/Photofacials, which target mainly vessels and freckles (red and brown pigments) of the skin.

Bela MD+ is your go-to treatment 3-4 days before your big plans or red-carpet event!

Enjoy a full 60-minute appointment to treat your skin inside and out, improving overall health and appearance. While your skin may be slightly pink or swollen at the surface following the stimulation, Bela MD+ gives you a fresh glow with no downtime at all!

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