Belkyra Treatment at Kingsway Dermatology
in Etobicoke, Toronto
At Kingsway Dermatology & Cosmetic Centre, we provide Etobicoke and the greater Toronto area with access to premier cosmetic dermatology services. Our highly trained dermatologists and experienced staff are dedicated to ensuring that you experience natural-looking results that help you look and feel like the most authentic, radiant version of you.
Our extensive cosmetic dermatology services include aesthetic treatments like Belkyra®, an injectable that addresses stubborn fat beneath the chin. If you are concerned with the appearance of a “double chin,” Belkyra® can give you the confidence boost you deserve.

What is Belkyra®?
Belkyra® is an injectable drug that reduces fat beneath the chin, and around the jawline and neck. By effectively eliminating fat in these areas, Belkyra® treatment results in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin for an improved profile — without surgery.
Belkyra® consists of a form of deoxycholic acid: a naturally occurring substance in our body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into fat beneath the chin, Belkyra® destroys these fat cells, which are then safely eliminated by the body’s natural processes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Some of the most common questions we receive about Belkyra® treatment include:
Is Belkyra® Right for Me?
As with all our cosmetic treatments, Belkyra® treatment begins with a comprehensive consultation, during which we get to know more about you and your aesthetic concerns. Belkyra® is intended as a treatment for submental fat that is resistant to diet and exercise, and which could also be a result of genetics and aging; it is not intended to treat loose skin below the chin.
How Many Belkyra® Treatments Will I Need?
If we determine that Belkyra® is right for you, your experienced cosmetic dermatologist will create a tailored treatment plan based on your unique profile. At each session, you will be given multiple small injections in the intended treatment areas — that is, the chin and/or jawline regions.
Many patients experience visible results in two to four treatments, but you may receive up to six treatments, spaced one month apart at minimum. When you come to us for your consultation, we will give you a better estimate of how many treatments you will need to address your aesthetic concerns and give you the results you desire.
Are There Side Effects for Belkyra®?
There is typically no downtime for Belkyra® treatment, but the most commons side effects include swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness, and areas of hardness around the treatment area. These wear off within a few days, and our dermatologists will advise what your unique aftercare plan will look like to ensure you experience minimal discomfort.
How Long Will Belkyra® Results Last?
Once injected, Belkyra® causes the destruction of fat cells in the treatment area; as those cells can no longer destroy or accumulate fat and are flushed out by the body, the results of Belkyra® are permanent.

Belkyra® Near You in Toronto
If you are concerned with submental fat and wish for an improved profile, our trained cosmetic dermatologists at Kingsway Dermatology & Cosmetic Centre are ready to help you achieve effective, natural-looking results. Book a cosmetic consultation with us today.