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Frequently Asked Questions

What dermatology-specific information should I know about COVID-19?

At Kingsway Dermatology & Cosmetic Centre, the health and safety of our patients and team members is always our top priority — especially amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure our clinic remains a safe environment, we established several new protocols and procedures.

We are currently seeing patients by appointment only, and we require everyone in the clinic to wear face masks at all times. We are also practicing social distancing by spacing people six feet apart when able to do so. If you’re experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or have potentially been exposed to a positive case, you must reschedule your appointment.

For more information about what to expect before, during, and after your visit, please review our In-Clinic Safety Guidelines for Patients.

What can I do before my cosmetic treatment to avoid bruising? (e.g., BOTOX®, BELKYRA®, PRP treatments)

To reduce the risk of bruising, we recommend avoiding the following for 10 days before, and one to two days after, your treatment:

  • Alcohol, particularly red and rose wine
  • Aspirin, NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen), NSAID-containing products (e.g., Midol, cold medicine), and other blood thinners — unless necessary for medical conditions
  • Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Omega 3, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John’s Wort, Red Yeast Extract, Green Tea, Ginseng, Ginger, Garlic, Chia seeds, and Hemp seeds

If anything on this list was prescribed by your physician for a medical condition, do not stop taking it without consulting your doctor. For more information, please call our office at 416-231-0103.

What can I do to prepare for my cosmetic treatment?

During your consultation, we suggest bringing a list of your medications, supplements, and prior cosmetic procedures so we can help you determine how to best prepare for your treatment. We also recommend:

  • Notifying us if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Notifying us if you’re symptomatic or being treated for an active infection (e.g., urinary tract infection, ear infection, sinusitis, dental infection)
  • Notifying us if you’re prone to cold sores so we can prescribe anti-viral pills
  • Eating and drinking something before your appointment
  • Avoiding dental cleanings and procedures two weeks before and after filler injections

Is there anything I should or shouldn’t do after my filler treatment?

It’s normal to experience mild redness, bruising, swelling, and discomfort within a few days of your filler treatment, which can be managed with ice packs and Tylenol. To minimize side effects and downtime, we suggest you sleep on your back the night of treatment, and avoid:

  • Aspirin, ibuprofen, and alcohol for 24-48 hours
  • Strenuous exercise for 24 hours, as it can trigger bruising
  • Facials, massages, hot yoga, or hot tubs the day of treatment
  • Rubbing or massaging the treated areas unless instructed by your dermatologist

Fillers can take up to two weeks to show full results. If symptoms or discomfort persist or worsen, please contact your dermatologist. For urgent concerns over the weekend, please leave us a message at 416-231-0103.

Is there anything I should or shouldn’t do after my BOTOX® treatment?

After receiving BOTOX®, it’s important to avoid touching the injection area. You should also avoid strenuous exercise for the next 12 hours, and keep your head upright for the next four hours. Therefore, you should avoid yoga, sleeping, or getting a massage with your face down.

During your visit, your dermatologist will show you facial exercises that help concentrate BOTOX® to the target muscles. We recommend doing the following exercises on and off for 30 minutes after your treatment:

  • Lifting your brows up and down
  • Frowning and relaxing
  • Tightly closing and relaxing your eyes

What can I do to prepare for my sclerotherapy leg vein treatment?

Before your sclerotherapy appointment, you should avoid medications or supplements that make you bruise (see the list above), air travel 36 hours prior to treatment, and shaving your legs the day of treatment. You should also notify the office if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding and bring one or two pairs of comfortable support hose to your appointment.

After sclerotherapy, leave the cotton balls and tape on for three hours unless you experience an itchy reaction. Once you’ve removed the tape, wear support hose daily for the next two weeks except when showering and sleeping. For the next three to four days, you should also avoid:

  • Shaving your legs
  • Taking blood thinners, unless required for medical reasons
  • Taking hot baths or Jacuzzis to avoid dilating veins
  • Sun exposure until the treated areas appear normal

During your recovery, it’s normal to experience mild redness, bruising, tenderness, itching, or burning. It’s also common for veins to look darker or redder for 2-4 weeks after treatment, as full healing and results can take up to eight weeks. Report painful areas and expanding redness or blistering to your dermatologist.

What is BELKYRA™ and what can I expect from the treatment?

BELKYRA™ is an injectable that reduces fat around the chin, neck, and jawline to improve your profile without surgery. This safe treatment can be completed in 15-20 minutes at our clinic, and typically requires a series of two to four sessions.

Directly after receiving BELKYRA™, you’ll feel a slight burning sensation for 15-30 minutes. It’s also normal — and desired — to experience swelling around the treated area, as more swelling leads to better results. To reduce potential bruising, please read our guidelines above.

To reduce tenderness and swelling, we provide an ice pack and recommend taking Tylenol if needed. You can start gently massaging the treated area two weeks after treatment to optimize healing and results. For maximum results, we suggest waiting two to three months between BELKYRA™ sessions.

I am having a minor surgical procedure (e.g., mole removal, biopsy). How do I take care of my wound afterwards?

For a wound with stiches:

  • Keep the wound dry for 24 hours. Then, you may remove the bandage and apply fresh Vaseline or Polysporin ointment twice a day with a fresh bandage until the sutures are removed.
  • You can take short showers, but must change the bandage and reapply ointment if it gets wet. Try not to bathe or swim for three to four days following your treatment to avoid full water immersion.
  • On the day of your procedure, we’ll work with you to determine whether our dermatologists will remove the stitches or if you’ll plan for your family doctor or walk-in clinic to do so. Make sure facial stitches are removed in seven days and body stitches are removed in 7-14 days.
  • Once the sutures are removed, apply sunscreen to your scars before going outside. Following your procedure, it’s normal for your scars to have redness, but it should slowly fade over 6-12 months.

For a wound without stiches:

  • Keep the wound dry for 24 hours after the procedure. After 24 hours, remove the bandage and apply fresh Vaseline or Polysporin ointment twice daily with a fresh bandage until the scab heals in about two weeks.
  • Short showers are acceptable, but you should avoid bathing or swimming for three to four days. After showering or getting wet, change the bandage and reapply ointment. You should also apply sunscreen to the scar before going outdoors.

What do I do after a treatment with liquid nitrogen (spray) or electrocautery (heat) (i.e., skin tags, age spots, or sunspots that were zapped with cold or heat)?

Apply Vaseline or Polysporin ointment twice daily and avoid picking the scabs, as they will naturally crust over and fall off within 7-14 days. During the healing phase, you should avoid excessive sun exposure, but can wear sunscreen on your treatment sites if it does not sting or burn.

What treatments are covered (insured) by OHIP?

Skin lesion consultations are covered by OHIP and can be arranged once your physician faxes a referral to our office. The removal of harmful skin lesions like actinic keratosis and cancerous moles is also covered, but the removal of benign lesions like skin tags, small cysts, and normal moles is not.

Where can I find your prices?

Our prices are included at the bottom of each treatment page on our website. During your consultation, our team members will discuss package pricing based on your skin care concerns.

To book a complimentary cosmetic consultation, please call our Cosmetic Centre at 416-231-0103 or email cosmetic@kingswaydermatology.com.

Cosmetic Questions? Contact Our Office