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Lip Fillers Near Eatonville, Etobicoke, and Beyond

Professional lip fillers near Bloor West Village

As your skin ages, there is a natural loss of proteins, elastin, supportive fat tissue, and a natural molecule that assists cell production called hyaluronic acid. This erosion is augmented by sun exposure, smoking and various lifestyle triggers.

At Kingsway Dermatology and Cosmetic Centre near Eatonville, Juvéderm® lip fillers are one of the brands used to fill in wrinkles and grooves and restore lost volume to hollowed cheeks. Our lip fillers near Eatonville can also be used to subtly sculpt and reshape your face and reduce the appearance of jowls. Adding volume to thin or uneven lips with lip injections is also a common treatment.

Our dermatologists use industry-approved hyaluronic acid-based lip fillers such as Juvéderm®, Teosyal®, and Stylage®. Skillfully applied, the results are subtle and natural, enhancing your features and creating softer, more youthful contours and a smoother, more relaxed appearance.

More on Juvéderm®

JuvĂ©derm® lip filler is designed to smooth out “static wrinkles”, which appear naturally and gradually over time as our skin ages. There are various formulations of lip filler available, each specially designed to focus on a specific area and cosmetic application, from wrinkles to lip injections or even non-surgical facial augmentation.

As a wrinkle filler, it’s used to primarily reduce the appearance of various lines that form around the mouth:

  • Nasolabial folds (also known as smile lines)
  • Marionette lines
  • Vertical lip lines
  • Corner lines

Patients may have one or all of these areas treated with Juvéderm,® Teosyal®, and Stylage® and can expect results to last for up to a year.

For issues of volume loss, longer-lasting JuvĂ©derm Voluma® provides lifting and contouring in the area of the cheek known as the “apple”. Restoring volume that has diminished there can create a rounder, more youthful look, as well as subtly pull up tissues that have begun to sag due to loss of structural support higher on the face. Under optimal conditions, these results can last for up to two years.

Lip augmentation results can last for up to one year.

For all Juvéderm® and lip filler products, studies show that clients who return for maintenance treatments find that they can get their desired results with less product. Because of the wide range of applications and variations in the goals of each guest, your cost will be assessed and discussed during your personal consultation.

Details About Getting Lip Fillers near Eatonville

Depending on the product selected and the scope of the treatment, injection sessions can last from 10 to 15 minutes to about an hour.

Results will be immediately apparent and will continue to refine for several days after the treatment.

Some redness and swelling may occur for one to three days following the injections, and bruising may occasionally develop. This will fade in the days after your session.

Over time, your body will safely metabolize the lip filler and the targeted area will gradually return to its pre-treatment appearance. Speak with a Kingsway staff member about touch-up visits for maintaining your desired look.

Are Juvéderm and Other Lip Fillers My Only Option?

While lip fillers are best for lip injections, there are other choices when it comes to smoothing out wrinkles and facial rejuvenation.

BOTOX® injections are ideal for treating what are known as “dynamic wrinkles”, which form due to repetitive muscle contractions on the forehead, beside the eyes, and elsewhere. These injections can complement the results achieved with lip fillers or can be chosen as a standalone procedure.

Microdermabrasion and micro-needling can refresh the skin. These can reduce the appearance of some fine lines, as well as even out pigmentation irregularities and provide an overall refreshed glow.

Ultherapy® can tighten and lift the skin around the brows, cheeks, and jawline.

Want to Know More About Lip Fillers Like Juvéderm® near Eatonville Area?

The Kingsway Dermatology and Cosmetic Centre in Etobicoke offers complimentary, no-commitment-required half-hour consultations.

We welcome you to schedule a personal consultation so we may answer any questions and concerns and provide you with a relaxed, face-to-face meeting with one of our aesthetic patient consultants.

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